Strategies to calm your
Anxious Mind
If you’re finding life a little overwhelming at the moment – it’s important to just stop … take a few long, slow, deep breaths and bring yourself back to the present.
Did you know that simply focussing on your breathing goes a long way toward calming your anxious mind?
In situations of high stress, our breathing commonly becomes faster, resulting in us taking shorter, shallower breaths leading to a reduction in the amount of oxygen that circulates to our brain. This reduced oxygen then impairs rational thought, further contributing to feelings of anxiousness as we are unable to think straight.
If you practice taking long, slow, deep breaths, this deliberate controlled breathing improves the amount of circulating oxygen, resulting in a greater feeling of calm.
Feelings of worry can also affect the way you sleep. When you don’t get enough rest, this also impacts rational thought, impairing your ability to make calm, logical decisions.
It is very common for mild anxiety and sleeplessness to go hand in hand.
Herbs can be a great strategy not only to help relieve the symptoms of mild anxiety, but also to assist with sleeplessness.
Herbs like Ashwagandha have been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional medicine of India. Ashwagandha is well-loved for its diverse actions including its ability to relieve the symptoms of mild anxiety.
Ashwagandha can also be beneficial in supporting a healthy stress response in the body, while also supporting healthy sleeping patterns.
contains Ashwagandha as KSM-66®, a clinically studied , award-winning, unique, full spectrum extract of Ashwagandha standardised to more than 5% withanolides, the active component of the plant.
- Chandrasekhar, K., Kapoor, J., & Anishetty, S. (2012). A prospective, randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of Ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 34(3), 255-262.